Monday, May 17, 2010

Kyle's Observations Monday AM

School #1
Depth: ----Evan
Size: 12 cm
Species: Ocean Surgeanfish, Blue Tans go in and out
Zone: Spur & Groove
# 80-100
Substrate: 60% sand, 35% Rock, Live 5%

Fish #1
Size: 20cm
Species: Blue Tang
Depth: 20 feet (est)
# bites: 120
# attacks: 2
substrate: 100% live  (hung around on finger coral all day)
zone: Spur & Groove
Time Observed: 5:27

Fish #2
size: 23cm
sp: Ocean surgeonfish
depth 12 feet
# bites 60
# attacks: 4
Zone: Crest
Time Observed: 5:00
Substrate 33/33/33
(Travel/Chillin time: 2:00)

Fish #3
size: 7cm
sp: Blue Tang
Depth: 13 feet
# bites: 0
# attacks: 0
Zone: Spur and groove
Time Observed: 1:00
substrate 50% rock 50% sand

Fish #4
Size: 12cm
sp: Blue Tang
Depth: 8 to 16 feet
# bites: 40
# attacks: 2
Zone: Spur & Groove
Time Observed: 1:50
Substrate:60% live, 25% rock, 15% sand

Fish #5 *********************beside school for middle 40 seconds, paired for last 40 seconds
Size: 18cm
sp: 20cm
Depth: 8 to 22 feet
# bites: 0
# attacks: 0
Zone: Spur and Groove
Time Observed: 2:10
Substrate: 33%/33%/33%

Fish #6
Size: 19cm
sp: BT
Depth: 12-16 feet
# bites:  90
# attacks: 9
Zone: Spur and Groove
Time Observed: 4:40
Substrate:80% Rock, 15% Coral, 5% Sand


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