Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Best 2nd Ever!!!

For any who haven't seen the news, Elizabeth came second, losing in a tight race to the liberal.

I don't think any other political party could ever be as happy as us with a 2nd!

Haven't slept for 30 straight hours.

I feel like our work getting students to vote (80% Green student Vote!!!) was extremely worthwhile. I know that I personally helped get at least 20 students excited about voting in general, and voting Green in particular. v

It is very exciting to find that giving students a message of hope for a sustainable future excites them to vote.

I am of course still ridiculously optimistic, non-objective biased.......but I think maybe the Greens can really turn around the (previously thought) inevitable trend of declining youth vote.

If I missed a meeting because I am in London (Presidential Affairss :( .... ) I am VERY sorry. I'll try to make it up by putting some extra work in before x-mas.

The only question left in my head....should I sleep....or study?



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